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McNeil A., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. "Quantitative Risk Management" Princeton University Press, Princeton Series in Finance. Visit the official book homepage at PUP or download table of contents and a free sample chapter

Current projects



Frey, R. and Hledik, J. ``Correlation and Contagion as Sources of Systemic Risk’’ PDF


Frey, R. and Rösler, L. and  Lu, D. "Corporate security prices in structural credit risk models with incomplete information" PDF


Contributions to refereed journals



Frey, R. and Sommer, D. "A Systematic Approach to Pricing and Hedging of International Derivatives with Interest Rate Risk", Applied Mathematical Finance 3, 295-317 (1996). PDF


Frey, R. "Derivative Asset Analysis in Models with Level Dependent and Stochastic Volatility", CWI Quaterly 10, no 1 (special issue on the Mathematics of Finance) p 1-34. PS (372k)


Frey, R. and Stremme, A. "Market Volatility and Feedback Effects from Dynamic Hedging", Mathematical Finance 7 (1997), p 351-374. PS (273k) PDF (297k)


Frey, R. and Sommer, D. "The Generalization of the Geske-Formula for Compound Options to Stochastic Interest Rates is Not Trivial - a Note", Journal of Applied Probability, June 1998. PS (203k)


Frey, R. "Perfect Option Replication for a Large Trader", Finance and Stochastics 2, (1998), p 115-142. PS (465k)


Frey, R. and Sin, C.A. "Bounds on European Option Prices under Stochastic Volatility", Mathematical Finance 9, (1999) p 97-116. PS (285k)


Frey, R. and Runggaldier, W. "Risk-minimizing hedging strategies under restricted information: the case of stochastic volatility models observable only at discrete random times", Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol 50, No 3 (1999)


McNeil, A. and Frey, R. "Estimation of Tail-Related Risk Measures for Heteroscedastic Financial Time Series: an Extreme Value Approach", Journal of Empirical Finance 7, p 271-300, (2000). PS (564k) PDF (547k)


Frey, R. "Superreplication in Stochastic Volatility Models and Optimal Stopping", Finance and Stochastics, vol 4 Nr 2, p 161-188 (2000). PS (394k)


Frey, R. " Risk-Minimization with Incomplete Information in a Model for High Frequency Data", Mathematical Finance, vol 10, no 2 (2000). PS


Frey, R. and Runggaldier, W. "Nonlinear Filtering Techniques for Volatility Estimation with a View towards High Frequency Data", International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 4, p 271-300 (2001). PS (520k)


Frey, R. and McNeil, A., Nyfeler, M. "Copulas and credit models", RISK, p 111-114, (October 2001). PDF (360k)


Frey, R. and McNeil, A,. " VaR and expected shortfall in portfolios of dependent credit risks: Conceptual and practical insights", Journal of Banking & Finance, vol 26, p 1317-1334 (2002). PDF (326k)


Frey, R. and McNeil, A,. "Dependent Defaults in Models of Portfolio Credit Risk", Journal of Risk 6(1) 59--92 (2003). An earlier working paper version is available online. PDF (320k)


Eberlein, E. and Frey, R. and Kalkbrener, M. and Overbeck, L. "Mathematics in Financial Risk Management" (in Jahresbericht der DMV) working-paper version as PDF (350k)


Frey, R. and Popp, M. and Weber, S. "An approximation for credit portfolio losses", The Journal of Credit Risk, vol 4, no1, p 3-20 (2008) PDF (250k)


Frey, R. and Backhaus, J. "Pricing and Hedging of Portfolio Credit Derivatives with Interacting Default Intensities" International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, vol 11 (6), 611-634 (2008); PDF


Frey, R. and Schmidt, T. "Pricing Corporate Securities under Noisy Asset Information", Mathematical Finance 19, pp.~403 - 421. PDF (490k)


Frey, R. and Backhaus, J. "Dynamic hedging of synthetic CDO-tranches with spread- and contagion risk", in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34, 710--724 PDF (340k)


Frey, R. and Runggaldier, W.J. "Pricing Credit Derivatives under Incomplete Information: a Nonlinear-Filtering Approach", Finance and Stochastics, 14 (4) pp. 495 - 526 PDF


Frey, R. and Seydel, R. "Optimal Securitization of Credit Portfolios via Impulse Control", Mathematics and Financial Economics, 4 (1), pp. 1-28 PDF


Frey, R. and Schmidt, T. " Pricing and Hedging of Credit Derivatives via the Innovations Approach to Nonlinear Filtering"? PDF (309k) , Finance and Stochastics  16 (1), 105 -133.


Frey, R. and Polte, U. "Nonlinear Black-Scholes Equations in Finance: Associated Control Problems and Properties of Solutions" SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, 49 (1) pp. 185 - 204 PDF


Frey, R., Gabih, Abdelali and Wunderlich, Ralf "Portfolio Optimization under Partial Information with Expert Opinions", preprint,

department of mathematics, Universität Leipzig, in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance PDF


Frey, R., Schmidt, T. and Xu, L. "On Galerkin Approximations for the Zakai Equation with Diffusive and Point Process Observations" PDF in Siam Journal of Numerical Analysis PDF


Frey, R., Gabih, Abdelali and Wunderlich, Ralf "Portfolio Optimization under Partial Information with Expert Opinions: a Dynamic Programming Approach", Communications in Stochastic Analysis,  8 (1), 49-79  PDF


Frey, R. and Rösler, L.. "Contagion effects and collateralized credit value adjustments for credit default swaps PDF , to appear in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance


Contributions to books



Frey, R. " Market Iiquidity as a Source of Model Risk in Dynamic Hedging in Model Risk", ed. by R. Gibson, RISK Publications, London (2000) PS (230K)


Embrechts, P. and Frey, R. and Furrer, H.J. "Stochastic Processes in Finance and Insurance", Handbook of Statistics, Volume 19 , p 365-412 (2001). Stochastic Processes: Theory and Methods, Edited by D.N. Shanbhag and C.R. Rao (North Holland). PS (750k)


Frey, R. and Patie, P. "Risk Management for Derivatives in Illiquid Markets: A Simulation Study", ed. by Sandmann, K. and Schönbucher in Advances in Finance and Stochastics, Berlin (2002). PDF


Frey, R. and Schmidt, T. "Filtering and Incomplete Information in Credit Risk", Chapter 7 in Recent Advancements in the Theory and Practice of Credit Derivativesk, Damiano Brigo, Tom Bielecki and Frederic Patras, ed., Wiley, New Jersey PDF


Frey, R. and Runggaldier, W.J. "Nonlinear Filtering in Models for Interest-Rate and Credit Risk"? Chapter 32 in "Handbook of Nonlinear Filtering", D. Crisan, B. Rozovski, eds.,Oxford University Press PDF


Older working papers



Frey, R. and Michaud, P. "The Effect of GARCH-type Volatilities on Prices and Payoff-Distributions of Derivative Assets - a Simulation Study" , preprint, ETH Zürich. PDF


Frey, R. and McNeil, A. "Modelling Dependent Defaults", preprint, Universität and ETH Zürich. PS , PDF


Frey, R. and Backhaus, J. "Portfolio Credit Risk Models with Interacting Default Intensities: a Markovian Approach", preprint, department of mathematics, Universität Leipzig. PDF

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