- ... both.0.1
- With one
exception; see Section 7.8.
- ... information.0.2
- High profile
cases include: ...
- ...
- http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/LASintro.html
- ... mass.1.3
- Longitude 123.4 west
and latitude 48.9 south.
- ... ocean.1.4
- Longitude 86.7 west
and latitude 46.3 north.
- ... data.1.5
- The fact
that the data are provided by NASA also provides us with a certain
level of confidence, although see Section 7.5.6 for
an example of why we should always check the data no matter
how much we trust the original source.
- ... font,2.1
- In a
monospace font, all characters have the same width.
- ... Forge2.2
- http://tidy.sourceforge.net/
- ... Specification2.3
- http://www.w3.org/TR/html401
- ...
- http://htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/
- ... browser.2.5
- We will
see important uses for the head element
later in Section 2.11.1.
- ... comments.2.6
- If there
are too many comments, it can become a burden to ensure that the
comments are all correct if the code is ever modified.
It can even be argued
that too many comments make it hard to see the actual code!
- ... principle,2.7
- Doff cap to Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas,
the “Pragmatic Programmers”.
- ... border.2.8
- This is the one aspect of the appearance
that is not identical to the original HTML-only appearance; unfortunately,
it is
not possible to replicate the default appearance of a table border
using CSS.
- ... own,2.9
- Normally, img
elements behave like a word in a sentence; in HTML terminology,
img elements are inline elements, rather than
block-level elements.
- ...
- Except for some allowing internationalisation
features such as language settings and direction of flow of text.
- ... 20%).4.1
- According to the
COLOURlovers web site
- ...
- urlhttp://nsse.iub.edu/
- ....5.2
- The language standard is actually called
ECMAScript. The
is implemented as JavaScript in Mozilla-based browsers (e.g.,
Firefox) and as JScript in Internet Explorer.
- ...
- http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/ItDT/
- ... code.5.4
- Alternatively,
the src attribute of the script element
can contain the full URL to the JavaScript file so that the file
of JavaScript code is downloaded whenever the HTML form is loaded
into a browser.
- ...formbuddy.5.5
- http://www.formbuddy.com/
- ... site.5.6
- A list of services is maintained at
- ... bytes.7.3
- The
order of the bytes is called the endianness; left to right
is little endian, because the least significant byte, the
byte representing the smallest part of the number, comes first.
Right-to-left ordering is called big endian.
- ... arrangement7.4
- IEEE 754 standard
for single-precision floating-point values.
- ...).7.5
- The limits in practice are a little narrower
than this because of implementation details such as the need to be able
to code special values like
- ... approximately7.6
- The exact calculations require
taking into account the fact that the mantissa is encoded with an implicit
leading one and that certain bit patterns are reserved for special values
such as infinity.
- ...
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
- ...U+0000417.8
- The numbers are
written in hexadecimal (base 16) format; the decimal number
65 is 41 in hexadecimal.
- ... BOM.7.9
- Notepad writes a BOM at the start of
UTF-8 files, but not all software does this.
- ... colours.7.10
- Unfortunately,
the range of RGB colour specifications does not cover the full
of colours visible to the human eye; it is not possible to
specify all colours that we see in nature as an RGB triplet.
- ... publisher,7.11
- Every edition
or variation of a book gets its own ISBN, so the same book contents
may be published by several different publishers, but they will have
different ISBNs.
- ... carolewalsh.com.7.12
- Source: Carole Walsh Computer Graphics & Design
Used with permission.
- ... trip.7.13
- If we had more information on trips,
such as a date, we might split the trip information into a separate
- ...
- http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/home.shtml
- ... Project9.3
- http://www.ensembl.org/index.html
- ... this:9.4
- This is
from a Linux shell on a machine with access to the internet.
- ...homo_sapiens_core_46_36h.9.5
- This was the latest
version of the core DNA sequencing information
at the time of writing.
- ...
- For example, The Future of Humanity:
a Lecture by Isaac Asimov, given at Newark College of Engineering
November 8, 1974.
- ...
- http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/worldhis.html
- ... GUIs,11.3
- For example,
John Fox's R Commander, Simon Urbanek's JGR, and Phillipe Grosjean's
- ... character.11.4
- The R prompt is shown
as > in this section to distinguish it from
the command-line prompt of other software, especially
the SQL code examples in Chapter 9.
- ...con11.5
- The name con is short for
connection, which is a concept that generalises the idea of something
that can be read (see Section 11.6).
- ... function.11.6
- The assignment
operator in R is either = or <-.
For clarity, we will use the latter in all examples.
- ... factors.11.7
- The
gl() function is similar.
- ... names.11.10
- Section
11.8 contains many more examples of
this sort of text manipulation.
- ...
- http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/
- ... solution.11.14
- If you are like me,
it will still take you a little while to see the problem, which just
reinforces why it is best to leave this sort of thing to the computer!
- ... them.11.15
- Section 11.7.8
provides an example of combining data frames for the case
where only some variables are
in common.
- ... function,11.16
- The sub()
function is similar, but only replaces the first match
in the string.
There is also
a function chartr() for converting a single letter to another
single letter, and tolower() and toupper() for converting
between cases, see for example, page
- ... task11.17
- charmatch(),
match(), pmatch().
- ... list11.18
- September
2006 from Frank Duan.
The solution described here makes use of a reply by Gabor Grothendieck.
- ... tract.11.19
- Image source: Wikimedia Commons
This image is in the Public Domain.
- ... disease).11.20
- ...
- http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/soft/linkage/
- ...
- http://www.stat.washington.edu/stephens/software.html
- ...temperature.11.23
- For
Linux users who are used to using file name globs with the
ls shell command, this use of regular expressions for
file name patterns can cause
confusion. Such users may find the glob2rx() function helpful.
- ... names;11.24
- The default ordering is dependent on
the operating system and the locale, so the result may differ
if this code is run on a non-Linux machine and/or in a non-english locale.
- ... task11.25
- See page
- ....12.1
- On
Linux, this means typing something like R -no-save from a shell.
On Windows, one way to do it is to create a shortcut to the Rgui.exe
and modify the properties of that shortcut to add the -no-save
to the shortcut “Target”.
- ...
- The main package repository is the
Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)
- ... manuals.12.3
- This is based on Jonathan Baron's
search site
- ...
- http://www.rseek.org which
was set up and is maintained
by Sasha Goodman.