
6.2 HTML form semantics

6.2.1 Common attributes

All form elements that create form components have a name attribute and a value attribute. The value attribute specifies the data value that will be recorded from the form element. The name is important as a label for the data that is recorded from the form element; this corresponds to the name of a variable.

6.2.2 HTML form elements

<input type="radio">
Creates a radio button. Radio buttons are used where there is a single question with a fixed and finite set of possible answers and only one answer can be selected. Usually, one radio button is provided for each possible answer and only one of the radio buttons can be selected at once. In order to achieve this behaviour, all of the radio buttons for a single question must have the same name attribute. Conversely, each radio button for a single question must have a different value attribute.

An example of the use of radio buttons is shown on lines 18 and 19 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

<input type="checkbox">
Creates a check box. Each check box corresponds to a yes/no question, so each check box should have a unique name attribute. When a form is submitted, information is only sent for check boxes that have been selected, so the program processing the data must know about all check boxes in order to record a missing value or “off” value for check boxes that were not selected.

An example of the use of check boxes is shown on lines 23 and 24 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

<input type="text">
Creates a region for entering small amounts of text. A default value can be supplied via the value attribute. The maximum number of characters that can be entered can be controlled via the maxlength attribute, but otherwise the value entered by the user is unconstrained. See Section 6.4.

An example of the use of a text component is shown on lines 12 to 14 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

Creates a region for entering large amounts of text. The size of the region that is displayed on the web page is controlled via rows and cols attributes. The values of these attributes are taken to be a number of lines of text and a number of characters of text, respectively. A default value can be supplied as the contents of the textarea element (white space is literal within this content).

An example of the use of a text region is shown on line 44 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

<input type="password">
Creates a region for entering a password; key strokes are echoed by printing dots or stars so that the actual value being entered is not visible on screen.

Creates a selection menu. The options on the menu are created by option elements within the menu element. The content of the option element is displayed on the menu. The data value that is recorded for each option element is also taken from the content of the option element unless the option element has a value attribute. The label for the data value comes from the name attribute of the select element (the option elements have no name attribute).

An example of the use of a selection menu is shown on lines 34 to 41 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

<input type="submit">
Creates a submit button. The label on the button can be controlled via the value attribute. Clicking this button will send the form data to a program for processing (see Section 6.3).

An example of the use of a submit button is shown on line 47 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

<input type="reset">
Creates a reset button. Clicking this button will reset the values of all controls to their default values.

An example of the use of a reset button is shown on line 48 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

Creates a button. This can be used as an alternative way to create a button for submitting the form, resetting the form, or, more generally, for associating a mouse click with a script action (see Section 6.4). The label on the button is taken from the contents of the button element (so this allows for fancier button labels, including images).

An example of the use of a generic button is shown on line 49 of Figure 6.2 and in Figure 6.1.

Associates a text label with a form component. Useful for non-graphical browsers and just as a discipline for documenting code. For radio buttons and check boxes this means that a click on the text will select the corresponding radio button or check box.

<input type="hidden">
Generates an invisible form data value. This can be used to include information with the form data, but have nothing displayed on the web page.

An example of the use of a hidden element is shown on line 51 of Figure 6.2. The purpose of this element is described in Section 6.4.2.

Paul Murrell

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