Kurt Hornik: Software
My truly major project is working on R, an open source implementation of the award-winning language S for data analysis and graphics. R is free software distributed under a GNU-style copyleft, and an official part of the GNU project ( “GNU S”).- I am a member of the R Core Team, a group of individuals who collectively develop the R base distribution.
- I am the principal architect and maintainer of the “Comprehensive R Archive Network” (CRAN), a collection of sites which carry identical material, consisting of the R distribution(s), the contributed extensions, documentation for R, and binaries.
- I have written the R extension packages clue (for computing on CLUster Ensembles), NLP (basic classes and methods for Natural Language Processing), OAIHarvester (functionality for harvesting and processing OAI-PMH metadata), ISOcodes (ISO language, territory, currency, script and character codes), Unicode (Unicode character data and utilities) and W3CMarkupValidator (R interface to W3C Markup Validation services).
- I have co-authored a variety of R extension packages including RKEA (an interface to KEA [for Keyphrase Extraction Algorithm]), ROI (R Optimization Infrastructure), RWeka (an interface to Weka, a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks written in Java), Rglpk (an interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit), Rsymphony (an interface to the to the SYMPHONY MILP solver), TSP (infrastructure and some algorithms for Traveling Salesperson Problems), arules (a computational environment for mining Association RULES and frequent itemsets), coin (COnditional INference procedures in a permutation test framework), colorspace (color space manipulation), ctv (tools for task views to CRAN-style repositories), e1071 (a collection of functions for Independent Component and Latent Class Analysis, support vector machines, fuzzy and voting/bagged clustering, and more), exactRankTests (exact conditional inference for rank tests for the 2-sample problem), isotone (active set and generalized PAVA for isotone optimization), kernlab (Kernel-based machine learning methods including support vector machines), mistr (a flexible computational framework for mixture and composite distributions), movMF (inference for mixtures von Mises-Fisher distributions), mvord (a flexible framework for fitting multivariate ordinal regression models with composite likelihood methods), openNLP (an interface to openNLP, a collection of natural language processing tools), party (a laboratory for recursive partytioning), relations (data structures and algorithms for relations), seriation (infrastructure for seriation), sets (data structures and basic operations for sets and generalized sets), skmeans (spherical k-means clustering), slam (Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices), strucchange (tests for STRUCtural CHANGE in linear regression relationships), tau (utilities for text analysis), textcat (n-gram based text categorization), tm (text mining framework), topicmodels (topic models for text), tseries (advanced time series analysis and computational finance), vcd (Visualizing Categorical Data), and wordnet (an interface to WordNet using the Jawbone Java API to WordNet). I also maintain several other packages I ported from S.
- Contributions to the R base system include in particular a collection of classical statistical inference tools, a quality management system for R and its extension packages, and the R FAQ.
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