Kurt Hornik: QFin Statistics 2 Summer Semester 2024
Kurt Hornik: QFin Statistics 2 Summer Semester 2024
Unit | Date | Time | Location | Topic | Materials | Assignments |
| | | | | | | | Read Rice Chapter 5 |
1 | 2024-03-07 | 09:00-12:30 | online | Limit Theorems; Basic Framework of Statistical Inference | Slides
| Ex 1-9, 11-12, 15-17 | Due: 2024-03-13 23:59 | Read Rice Chapter 8.1-8.5
2 | 2024-03-14 | 09:00-12:30 | TC.1.01 | Estimation of Parameters and Fitting of Probability Distributions | Slides
| Ex 18-21, 23-29, 31-34 | Due: 2024-03-20 23:59 | Read Rice Chapter 8.6-8.7
3 | 2024-03-28 | 09:00-12:30 | online | Estimation of Parameters and Fitting of Probability Distributions | Slides
| Ex 37-44, 53-54, 56-60 | Due: 2024-04-05 12:00 | Read Rice Chapter 9
4 | 2024-04-11 | 09:00-12:30 | TC.1.01 | Testing Hypotheses and Assessing Goodness of Fit | Slides
| Ex 61-63, 65, 67-69, 76-84 | Due: 2024-04-17 23:59 | Read Rice Chapter 11 and 13
5 | 2024-04-18 | 09:00-12:30 | TC.1.01 | Comparing Two Samples, Analysis of Categorical Data | Slides
| Ex 85-93, 98, 102, 104, 108, 109, 113, 114-117 | Due: 2024-04-24 | |
6 | 2024-04-25 | 09:00-12:30 | TC.1.01 | Linear models | Slides
| Ex 119-130 | Due: 2024-05-01
7 | 2024-05-02 | 09:00-11:00 | TC.0.03 | Finals
8 | 2024-05-06 | 09:00-17:00 | online | Presentations
Data sets
When submitting homework assignments by email, please use the subject
‘Statistics 2 Unit n Team k’, where n is the number of the
unit and k is the number of your team.
Submit by email to
Edona Gjini <edona.gjini@s.wu.ac.at>
and <Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at>, and cc all team members.
Please use Sweave/knitr, and submit both the PDF and the Rnw!
Homework and presentation teams:
1 | Elmastas, Hrgovic, Peter, Scholz, Sevtsov |
2 | Curta, Frias Navarrete, Ingerle, Nemeth, Pekarek-Kostka |
4 | Aria, Boroumand sharifi, Kleshchev, Marafatto, Pavicic |
5 | Buczek, Gludovatz, Gogberashvili, Miletic, Sobko |
6 | Filatova, Kosovska, Kutovoi, Wutti |
7 | Brabec, Gyenese, Mikos, Pertl, Tusek |
8 | Carvalho Garcia Viale, Daneva, Kornilakis, Pena Monge, Trnan |
9 | Battilana, Ivovic, Izbassar, Kapustina, Waraschitz |
10 | Kozlov, Lin, Strahlhofer, Szalai, Vasic |
11 | Barta, Gilmutdinov, Makogon, Shramko, Sudera |
12 | Albert, Krain, Meszaros, Mosiagin, Schramek |
13 | Costa, Harringer, Jezo, Miederhoff, Velichkov |
14 | Lazar, Nurlanuly, Plavec, Ramos Silva, Riezanov |
15 | Galstyan, Lukic, Romanova, Vero |
16 | Aliabadi, Badinger, Gurban, Mitterhofer, Titiriga |
17 | Mihalik, Rodenkirchen, Schmid, Sembera, Ustun |
18 | Bottlinger, Dubenko (†), Füreder, Shenevskaia |
19 | Ciancio, Duchoslav, Fiegl, Hnatova, Zörenyi |
20 | Arustamyan, Bach Gadelha, Kieselbach, Shabliienko |
Students marked
‘†’ have left the program/course.
Presentation groups and teams:
Group | Teams |
A | Team 14 (35), Team 20 (64), Team 19 (74), Team 1 (95), Team 12 (118) |
B | Team 9 (30), Team 4 (55), Team 15 (72), N.N. (94), Team 5 (96) |
C | Team 13 (36), Team 10 (49), Team 18 (66), Team 11 (75), Team 2 (97) |
D | Team 17 (35), Team 16 (49), Team 6 (66), Team 7 (94), Team 8 (97) |
Teams submit all 5 problems in their group as homeworks, and present
"their" problem.
Lecture notes (limit theorems, estimation of parameters and fitting of
probability distributions, testing hypotheses and assessing goodness of
fit, comparing two samples, analysis of categorical data):
Data sets accompanying Rice (2006) can be downloaded from the
Duxbury Data
e.g., as
John A. Rice (2006),
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis (3rd edition).
Brooks Cole, ISBN-10: 0495118680, ISBN-13: 9780495118688.
Felix Abramovich and Ya'acov Ritov (2023),
Statistical Theory: A Concise Introduction, 2nd Edition.
Chapman and Hall/CRC, ISBN 9781439851845.
Electronic University Calendar (eVVZ)
Setting up R and LATEX
File translated from
version 4.16.