@unpublished{Gruen+Wagner+Petzoldt:2023, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n and Helga Wagner and Thomas Petzoldt}, title = {Modeling Zone Diameter Measurements to Infer Antibiotic Susceptibility of Bacteria}, note = {Presented at the ``14th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG 2023)'', Salerno, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {September 11}, year = 2023, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2023, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Without Pain -- Mixtures of Latent Class Models with a Prior on the Number of Components}, note = {Presented at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Pittsburgh, United States of America}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 17}, year = 2023, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Malsiner-Walli+Gruen:2022, author = {Sylvia Fr{\"u}hwirth-Schnatter and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Bettina Gr{\"u}n}, title = {Bayesian Model-Based Clustering with the Telescoping Sampler}, note = {Presented at the ``15th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics'', London, United Kingdom}, type = {Conference}, month = {December 17}, year = 2022, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Malsiner-Walli:2022, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli}, title = {Flexible {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering Using Finite Mixtures}, note = {Presented at the ``Workshop on Statistical Learning and Econometrics: Methodological Advancements and Applications'', Bolzano, Italy}, type = {Workshop}, month = {December 12}, year = 2022, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnattter+Gruen:2022, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Capturing Correlated Clusters Using Mixtures of Latent Class Models}, note = {Poster presentation at the ``12th European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics (ESOBE)'', Salzburg, Austria}, type = {Workshop}, month = {September 9}, year = 2022, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Wagner+Petzoldt:2022, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n and Helga Wagner and Thomas Petzoldt}, title = {Estimating the Susceptible Component of a Zone Diameter Distribution}, note = {Presented at the ``24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (Compstat 2022)'', Bologna, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 26}, year = 2022, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2022, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n}, title = {Flexible {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering Using Finite Mixtures}, note = {Invited talk presented at the ``Austrian and Slovenian Statistical Days 2022'', Graz, Austria}, type = {Conference}, month = {April 22}, year = 2022, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter:2021, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\"u}hwirth-Schnatter}, title = {How Many Data Clusters are in the {G}alaxy Data Set? {B}ayesian Cluster Analysis in Action}, note = {Presented online at the ``14th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics'', London, United Kingdom}, type = {Conference}, month = {December 19}, year = 2021, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen+Malsiner-Walli:2021a, author = {Sylvia Fr{\"u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\"u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli}, title = {Generalized Mixtures of Finite Mixtures and Telescoping Sampling}, note = {Presented at the ``Autumn Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Athens, Greece}, type = {Workshop}, month = {October 27}, year = 2021, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2021a, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n}, title = {Clustering with {B}ayesian Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented online at the S3RI Seminar of the Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute, University of Southampton, United Kingdom}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {October 15}, year = 2021, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen+Malsiner-Walli:2021, author = {Sylvia Fr{\"u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\"u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli}, title = {Estimating {B}ayesian Mixtures of Finite Mixtures with Telescoping Sampling}, note = {Presented online at the ``13th Scientific Meeting of Classification and Data Analysis (CLADAG 2021)'', Firenze, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {September 11}, year = 2021, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2021, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n}, title = {Advances in Model-Based Clustering}, note = {Keynote lecture presented online at the ``3rd Insurance Data Science Conference'', City, University of London, United Kingdom}, type = {Conference}, month = {June 18}, year = 2021, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2020b, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n}, title = {Different Approaches to Loss Modeling and Their Impact on Risk Measure Assessment}, note = {Presented online at the Research Seminar of the Department of Actuarial Science, University of Lausanne, Switzerland}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {October 23}, year = 2020, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2020a, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n}, title = {Advances in {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering}, note = {Invited talk presented at the ``16th Predictive Analytics Conference'', Vienna, Austria}, type = {Conference}, month = {October 14}, year = 2020, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Greve+Gruen:2020, author = {Sylvia Fr{\"u}hwirth-Schnatter and Jan Greve and Bettina Gr{\"u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli}, title = {Model-Based Clustering with {B}ayesian {G}aussian Mixtures}, note = {Presented online at the ``Workshop on Models and Learning for Clustering and Classification''}, type = {Workshop}, month = {September 11}, year = 2020, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2020, author = {Bettina Gr{\"u}n}, title = {Extending {flexmix} to Model-Based Clustering with Sparse Data}, note = {Presented lightning talk online at ``useR! 2020''}, type = {Conference}, month = {July}, year = 2020, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2019a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Bayesian Model-Based Clustering with Flexible and Sparse Priors}, note = {Keynote lecture presented at the ``12th Scientific Meeting of Classification and Data Analysis (CLADAG 2019)'', Cassino, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {September 13}, year = 2019, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2019b, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Identifying Mixtures of Mixtures Using {B}ayesian Estimation}, note = {Presented in an invited session at ``Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM 2019)'', Denver, USA}, type = {Conference}, month = {July 29}, year = 2019, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2019a, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Bridging Finite and Infinite Mixtures}, note = {Presented at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Vienna, Austria}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 15}, year = 2019, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2019, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Tools for Model-Based Clustering in {R}}, note = {Keynote lecture presented at the ``useR! 2019'', Toulouse, France}, type = {Conference}, month = {July 12}, year = 2019, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2019, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Identifying Mixtures of Mixtures Using {B}ayesian Estimation}, note = {Invited talk presented at the ``5th Joint Statistical Meeting DAGStat 2019'', Munich, Germany}, type = {Conference}, month = {March 21}, year = 2019, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2018c, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Flexible and Sparse {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering}, note = {Presented at the Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni ``Giuseppe Parenti'', Universit{\`a} degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {December 19}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Malsiner-Walli:2018, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli}, title = {{B}ayesian Latent Class Analysis with Shrinkage Priors: An Application to the {H}ungarian Heart Disease Data}, note = {Invited talk presented at the ``Second International Conference on Advances in Statistical Modelling of Ordinal Data (ASMOD 2018)'', Naples, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {October 26}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2018b, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Prior Specification in {B}ayesian Latent Class Analysis}, note = {Invited speed talk presented at the workshop ``Challenges for Categorical Data Analysis (CCDA 2018)'', Aachen, Germany}, type = {Workshop}, month = {October 23}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2018a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Discussion of the {I}nvited {P}apers {S}ession ``{P}rior Specifications for Finite {B}ayesian Mixture Models''}, note = {Presented at ``Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM 2018)'', Vancouver, Canada}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 2}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2018c, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Learning the Number of Components and Data Clusters in {B}ayesian Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at ``Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM 2018)'', Vancouver, Canada}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 1}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2018b, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Learning the Number of Components and Data Clusters in {B}ayesian Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at the Research Seminar of the Department of Statistics, Miami University, Oxford, U.S.A.}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {July 24}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2018a, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Learning the Number of Components and Data Clusters in {B}ayesian Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Ann Arbor, U.S.A.}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 18}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2018, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Tools and Methods for Model-Based Clustering in {R}}, note = {Invited talk presented at ``Septi{\`e}me Rencontres R'', Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France}, type = {Conference}, month = {July 5}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2018, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Learning the Number of Components and Data Clusters in {B}ayesian Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at the Research Seminar ``Empirical Economics and Econometrics'', University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {June 26}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Hofmarcher+Gruen:2018, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Paul Hofmarcher and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Semi-Parametric Regression Under Model Uncertainty in Economic Applications}, note = {Presented at the Research Seminar of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {April 23}, year = 2018, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Dolnicar:2017, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Sara Dolnicar}, title = {Joint Model-Based Clustering for Ordinal Survey Data}, note = {Presented at the ``10th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics'', London, United Kingdom}, type = {Conference}, month = {December 16--18}, year = 2017, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Brosnan+Gruen+Dolnicar:2017, author = {Kylie Brosnan and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Sara Dolnicar}, title = {{PC}, Phone or Tablet? {U}se, Preference and Completion Rates for Web Surveys}, note = {Presented at the PUMA Symposium ``Stichprobenverfahren und Repr{\" a}sentativit{\" a}t -- Zuf{\" a}llige und nichtzuf{\" a}llige Auswahltechniken zur Datenerhebung in den Sozialwissenschaften'', Linz, Austria}, type = {Workshop}, month = {October 13}, year = 2017, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnattter+Gruen:2017, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Inferring Components and Clusters in {B}ayesian Finite Mixture Modelling}, note = {Poster presentation at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Perugia, Italy}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 18}, year = 2017, presenter = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2015c, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Mixture Models for Ordinal Data}, note = {Invited talk presented at the International Workshop ``Alternative Perspectives in Ordinal Data Modelling'', Naples, Italy}, type = {Workshop}, month = {October 26}, year = 2015, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Malsiner-Walli:2015, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli}, title = {Regularizing Finite Mixtures of {G}aussian Distributions}, note = {Presented at the ``10th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG 2015)'', Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {October 8}, year = 2015, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2015b, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Bayesian Regularized Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Seattle, U.S.A.}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 20}, year = 2015, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2015a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Current Status and Future Directions for {T}he {R} {J}ournal}, note = {Presented at the R Summit \& Workshop 2015, Copenhagen Business School, Danmark}, type = {Workshop}, month = {June 28}, year = 2015, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2015, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Flexible and Sparse {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering}, note = {Presented at the Research Seminar of the Institute of Statistics, Graz University of Technology, Austria}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {June 19}, year = 2015, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter+Gruen:2015, author = {Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Identifying Mixtures of Mixtures Using {B}ayesian Estimation}, note = {Invited talk presented at the Conference ``Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics 2015 (ODAM)'', Palack{\'y} University, Olomouc, Czech Republic}, type = {Conference}, month = {May 21}, year = 2015, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2014c, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Flexible and Sparse {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering}, note = {Invited talk presented at the Workshop on ``Clustering Methods and Their Applications'', Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy}, type = {Workshop}, month = {November 28}, year = 2014, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2014b, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Flexible and Sparse {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering}, note = {Presented at the ``Oberseminar Datenanalyse und Statistik'', University of Augsburg, Germany}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {October 24}, year = 2014, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2014a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Mixture Models for Text Mining in {R}}, note = {Presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS-14), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria}, type = {Conference}, month = {September 23}, year = 2014, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2014, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {An Introduction to Topic Modeling}, note = {Presented at the Research Seminar of the Digital Data Stream Lab, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {April 15}, year = 2014, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Hornik+Gruen:2014, author = {Kurt Hornik and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {On Standard Conjugate Families for Natural Exponential Families With Bounded Natural Parameter Space}, note = {Presented at the ``11th German Probability and Statistics Days 2014'', Ulm, Germany}, type = {Conference}, month = {March 7}, year = 2014, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Malsiner-Walli+Fruehwirth-Schnatter:2013, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Gertraud Malsiner-Walli and Sylvia Fr{\" u}hwirth-Schnatter}, title = {On Prior Choice in {B}ayesian Model-Based Clustering}, note = {Presented at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Bologna, Italy}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 26}, year = 2013, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Hornik+Gruen:2013, author = {Kurt Hornik and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {{movMF}: An {R} Package for Fitting Mixtures of von {M}ises-{F}isher Distributions}, note = {Poster presentation at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Bologna, Italy}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 23}, year = 2013, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Ponweiser+Gruen+Hornik:2013, author = {Martin Ponweiser and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Finding Scientific Topics Revisited}, note = {Invited talk presented at the ``SIS 2013 Statistical Conference: Advances in Latent Variables---Methods, Models and Applications'', Brescia, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {June 19}, year = 2013, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2013a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Modeling Longitudinal Data with Finite Mixtures of Regression Models}, note = {Presented at the ``7th International Workshop on Simulation'', Rimini, Italy}, type = {Workshop}, month = {May 23}, year = 2013, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2013, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {An Introduction to Flexible Finite Mixture Modeling}, note = {Presented at the Research Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applications of Mathematics, Palack{\'y} University, Olomouc, Czech Republic}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {April 30}, year = 2013, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Dolnicar+Gruen+Leisch:2013, author = {Sara Dolnicar and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Sample Size Requirements for Market Segmentation Studies}, note = {Presented at the ``IIBSoR Research Retreat'', Shoalhaven Heads, Australia}, type = {Workshop}, month = {February 6}, year = 2013, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2012a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Flexible Modeling of Mixtures of Regressions}, note = {Presented at the ``Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering'', Guelph, Canada}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 19}, year = 2012, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2012, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Mixture Models in Text Mining}, note = {Presented at ``FSP Empirical Economics and Econometrics (EmpEc)'', University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {March 20}, year = 2012, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Hornik:2011, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Fitting Finite Mixtures of Von {M}ises-{F}isher Distributions Using the {R} Package {movMF}}, note = {Presented at the ``4th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing \& Statistics'', London, United Kingdom}, type = {Conference}, month = {December 17--19}, year = 2011, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Zeileis+Gruen+Cribari-Neto:2011, author = {Achim Zeileis and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Francisco Cribari-Neto}, title = {{B}eta Regression: {S}haken, Stirred, Mixed, and Partitioned}, note = {Presented at the ``use{R}!~2011'', Warwick, United Kingdom}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 16--18}, year = 2011, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2011, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Mixture Models in Text Mining---{T}ools in {R}}, note = {Presented at ``BioMed-S Retreat'', Schloss H\"ohenried, Bernried, Germany}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 8}, year = 2011, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Hornik:2010a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Kurt Hornik}, title = {topicmodels: An {R} Package for Fitting Topic Models}, note = {Presented at the ``3rd International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing \& Statistics'', London, United Kingdom}, type = {Conference}, month = {December 10--12}, year = 2010, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2010a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Finite Mixtures of Generalized Linear Regression Models}, note = {Presented at ``FSP Empirical Economics and Econometrics (EmpEc)'', University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {October 27}, year = 2010, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Hornik:2010, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Kurt Hornik}, title = {Finite Mixture Modeling of Censored Longitudinal Data}, note = {Presented at ``Joint Meeting GfKl-CLADAG'', Florence, Italy}, type = {Conference}, month = {September 8--10}, year = 2010, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2010, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Finite Mixtures of Generalized Linear Regression Models}, note = {Presented at ``S{\'e}minaire de statistique et {\'e}conom{\'e}trie'', GREQAM, Marseille, France}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {February 23}, year = 2010, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2009, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Flexible Mixture Modeling of Environmental Data and Some Computational Issues}, note = {Presented at ``IASC-ERS International Summer School on Computational Aspects in Environmental Statistics'', Pamporovo, Bulgaria}, type = {Workshop}, month = {September 7--11}, year = 2009, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Dolnicar+Gruen+Rossiter:2009, author = {Sara Dolnicar and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and John R. Rossiter}, title = {Choosing the Right Answer Format---{I}nvestigating the Impact of Different Answer Formats on the Results of Brand Image Data}, note = {Presented at the School of Management and Marketing Research Seminar, University of Wollongong, Australia}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {August 5}, year = 2009, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Hofmarcher+Hornik:2009, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Paul Hofmarcher and Kurt Hornik and Christoph Leitner and Stefan Pichler}, title = {Extending the Latent Variable Approach to Rating Model Validation---{I}ncluding Finite Mixture Distributions and Censored Observations}, note = {Presented at the Workshop ``Risikomanagment'', Universit\"at Innsbruck, Obergurgl, Austria}, type = {Workshop}, month = {April 2--4}, year = 2009, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Zeileis:2009, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Achim Zeileis}, title = {Automatic Generation of Simple (Statistical) Exams}, note = {Presented at the Workshop ``{R} in Teaching and Empirical Research'', Universit\"at f\"ur Bodenkultur, Wien, Austria}, type = {Workshop}, month = {January 16}, year = 2009, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2008c, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Identification and Estimation of Finite Mixtures of Generalized Linear Models}, note = {Presented at ``5.~Herbstkolloquium des Graduiertenkollegs `Statistische Modellbildung' 2008'', Dortmund, Deutschland}, type = {Workshop}, month = {November 28--29}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2008a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Fitting Finite Mixtures of Linear Mixed Models with the {EM} Algorithm}, note = {Presented at ``Compstat 2008'', Porto, Portugal}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 24--29}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2008b, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {{FlexMix}: Flexible Fitting of Finite Mixtures with the {EM} Algorithm}, note = {Presented at the ``use{R}!~2008'', Dortmund, Germany}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 12--14}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2008, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Comparing Variants of the {EM} Algorithm for Finite Mixtures of Linear Mixed Effects Models}, note = {Presented at ``Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM 2008)'', Denver, U.S.A.}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 3--7}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2008a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Model Diagnostics of Finite Mixtures Using Bootstrapping}, note = {Presented at the ``32nd Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl)'', Hamburg, Germany}, type = {Conference}, month = {July 16--18}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2008, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Finite Mixture Model Diagnostics Using the Bootstrap}, note = {Presented at the ``1st Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing \& Statistics'', Neuch{\^a}tel, Switzerland}, type = {Workshop}, month = {June 19--21}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Rossiter+Gruen+Dolnicar:2008, author = {John R. Rossiter and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Sara Dolnicar}, title = {A Test of {D}illon's Theory of True (Brand-Specific) Versus Artifactual (Category-Inferred) Brand-Image Attributes}, note = {Presented at the ``EMAC-ANZMAC BIGMAC4 Research Symposium'', Brighton, U.K.}, type = {Workshop}, month = {May 30}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Dolnicar+Gruen+Rossiter:2008, author = {Sara Dolnicar and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and John R. Rossiter}, title = {Measuring Stability of Brand Image Analysis---{A}ccounting for Heterogeneity in Descriptive Models}, note = {Presented at the School of Management and Marketing Research Seminar, University of Wollongong, Australia}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {January 29}, year = 2008, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Dolnicar+Rossiter:2007, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Sara Dolnicar and John R. Rossiter}, title = {Extending {R}ungie et al.'s Model of Brand Image Stability to Account for Heterogeneity}, note = {Presented at the ``36th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)'', Reykjavik, Iceland}, type = {Conference}, month = {May 22--25}, year = 2007, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2007, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Dealing with Label Switching in Finite Mixture Modelling Using Constrained Clustering}, note = {Presented at the ``31st Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl)'', Freiburg, Germany}, type = {Conference}, month = {March 7--9}, year = 2007, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Dolnicar+Gruen:2006b, author = {Sara Dolnicar and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {The User-Friendliness of Alternative Answer Formats}, note = {Presented at ``ANZMAC 2006'', Brisbane, Australia}, type = {Conference}, year = 2006, month = {December 4--6}, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Dolnicar+Gruen:2006a, author = {Sara Dolnicar and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Answer Format Suitability --- {T}he Interdependence of Answer Format and Construct Measured}, note = {Presented at ``ANZMAC 2006'', Brisbane, Australia}, type = {Conference}, year = 2006, month = {December 4--6}, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2006b, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Fitting Finite Mixtures of Linear Regression Models with Varying \& Fixed Effects in {R}}, note = {Presented at ``Compstat 2006'', Rome, Italy}, type = {Conference}, year = 2006, month = {August 28--September 1}, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2006a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Finite Mixture Model Diagnostics Using the Parametric Bootstrap}, note = {Poster presentation at the ``Junior Scientist Conference (JSC)'', Vienna, Austria}, type = {Conference}, month = {April 19--21}, year = 2006, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2006, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Testing for Genuine Multimodality in Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at the ``30th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl)'', Berlin, Germany}, type = {Conference}, month = {March 8--10}, year = 2006, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen:2006, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Identification and Estimation of Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at the doctoral workshop before the ``30th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl)'', Berlin, Germany}, type = {Workshop}, month = {March 7}, year = 2006, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Dolnicar+Gruen:2006, author = {Sara Dolnicar and Bettina Gr{\" u}n}, title = {Cross-Cultural Findings Assessing Analytic Robustness}, note = {Presented at the School of Management and Marketing Research Seminar, University of Wollongong, Australia}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {February 23}, year = 2006, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2005a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Finite Mixture Model Diagnostics Using Resampling Methods}, note = {Presented at the ``3rd World Conference on Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis'', Limassol, Cyprus}, type = {Conference}, month = {October 28--31}, year = 2005, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2005, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Analyzing the Model Fit of Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at ``Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM 2005)'', Minneapolis, U.S.A.}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 7--11}, year = 2005, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Dolnicar+Gruen+Leisch:2004, author = {Sara Dolnicar and Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Can the Binary Answer Format Improve Survey Efficiency Without Substantial Information Sacrifice?}, note = {Presented at the School of Management and Marketing Research Seminar, University of Wollongong, Australia}, type = {Research seminar}, month = {September 23}, year = 2004, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2004b, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Bootstrapping Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at ``Compstat 2004'', Prague, Czech Republic}, type = {Conference}, month = {August 23--27}, year = 2004, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2004a, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {Bootstrapping Finite Mixture Models}, note = {Presented at ``Statistical Computing 2004'', Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg, G{\" u}nzburg, Germany}, type = {Workshop}, month = {July 4--7}, year = 2004, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
@unpublished{Gruen+Leisch:2004, author = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n and Friedrich Leisch}, title = {{BayesMix}: An {R} Package for {B}ayesian Mixture Modelling}, note = {Poster presentation at ``use{R}!~2004'', Vienna, Austria}, type = {Conference}, month = {May 20--22}, year = 2004, presenter = {Bettina Gr{\" u}n} }
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