Hatzinger, R., Nagel, H. (2009), SPSS (PASW) Statistics. Statistische Methoden und Fallbeispiele. Pearson Studium.
Hatzinger, R. (2011), Angewandte Statistik mit PASW (SPSS) (Skriptum).
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Course Objectives
This course is designed to teach basic data analysis methods and to
demonstrate applying data analysis techniques through SPSS. The course
will demonstrate how to decide on appropriate methods for summarizing
and analyzing empirical data and presenting statistical results. The
course will also highlight basic features of SPSS such as data
manipulation (loading and creating data files, how to clean, manage,
manipulate and expand on existing data files), performing statistical
analyses and working on the output (interfacing to other software). The
course is splitted in theoretical and practical units.