Write R code to read in the global temperature data that has been stored in an SQLite database.
The database consists of the following tables:
period_table (ID [PK], label, description)
obs_table (year [PK], period [PK] [FK period_table.ID], temperature)
The original plain text file is here and the "model answer" is provided in an R binary format. The following code loads the variable 'glbModel' into an R session ...
... and you should use the following expression to test that your data frame, 'glbsql' say, is exactly the same as the model answer ...
all(mapply(identical, glbsql, glbModel))
The result of that expression should be 'TRUE'.
The assignment is due at the sixth lecture (9:00am Friday November 23).
Submit your assignment by emailing it to me.