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Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ## Koenker and Portnoy (1990) > ## > ## data > ## availability: none > ## firms: General Electric, Westinghouse > ## errors: none > ## > ## analysis > ## result: Table 1 - standard errors for SUR do not agree > ## Table 2 - Westinghouse M estimation slightly different > ## Table 3 - (NA) > ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > ## preliminaries > source("start.R") Loading required package: kinship Loading required package: survival Loading required package: splines Loading required package: nlme Loading required package: lattice [1] "kinship is loaded" Loading required package: Formula Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: sandwich Loading required package: zoo Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: car Loading required package: lmtest > > ## data pre-processing > gr <- subset(Grunfeld, firm %in% c("General Electric", "Westinghouse")) > gr$value <- gr$value/1000 > gr$invest <- gr$invest/100 > gr$capital <- gr$capital/100 > gr$firm <- factor(gr$firm) > pgr <- plm.data(gr, c("firm", "year")) > > > ## Table 1, p. 1063 > ## OLS > lm_OLS <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, method = "OLS", data = pgr) > gsummary(lm_OLS) Method: OLS (Intercept) value capital R^2 sigma^2 General.Electric -0.100 0.266 0.152 0.705 0.078 0.314 0.156 0.026 Westinghouse -0.005 0.529 0.092 0.744 0.010 0.080 0.157 0.056 > ## alternatively: > ## lm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "General Electric") > ## lm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "Westinghouse") > > ## SUR > ## these controls give the estimated "sigma matrix" and point estimates > sf_SUR <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, method = "SUR", data = pgr, + control = systemfit.control(methodResidCov = "noDfCor")) > gsummary(sf_SUR) Method: SUR (Intercept) value capital R^2 sigma^2 General.Electric -0.277 0.383 0.139 0.693 0.081 0.270 0.133 0.023 Westinghouse -0.013 0.576 0.064 0.740 0.011 0.070 0.134 0.049 > round(summary(sf_SUR)$residCov, digits = 3) General.Electric Westinghouse General.Electric 0.069 0.019 Westinghouse 0.019 0.009 > > ## Table 2, p. 1064 > ## l_1 starting values > library("quantreg") Loading required package: SparseM Package SparseM (0.83) loaded. To cite, see citation("SparseM") Attaching package: 'SparseM' The following object(s) are masked from package:Matrix : chol, norm The following object(s) are masked from package:stats : model.response The following object(s) are masked from package:base : backsolve, chol Attaching package: 'quantreg' The following object(s) are masked from package:survival : untangle.specials The following object(s) are masked from package:utils : vignette Warning message: In getPackageName(env) : Created a package name, "2010-01-29 18:21:43", when none found > rq_GE <- rq(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "General Electric") > rq_WH <- rq(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "Westinghouse") > coef(rq_GE) (Intercept) value capital -0.1097989 0.2516002 0.1495661 > coef(rq_WH) (Intercept) value capital 0.05076287 0.39702482 0.13927074 > > ## M-estimation with custom psi function > library("MASS") > bread.rlm <- function(x, ...) { + xmat <- model.matrix(x) + xmat <- naresid(x$na.action, xmat) + wts <- weights(x) + if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1 + res <- residuals(x) + psi_deriv <- function(z) x$psi(z, deriv = 1) + rval <- sqrt(abs(as.vector(psi_deriv(res/x$s)/x$s))) * wts * xmat + rval <- chol2inv(qr.R(qr(rval))) * nrow(xmat) + return(rval) + } > > ## Koenker & Portnoy psi function > psi.kp <- function(u, a = 0.99, b = 0.4, deriv = 0) { + lambda <- log((a + 1)/(1 - a)) / qnorm(1 - b) + if(!deriv) ifelse(u == 0, 0, (-(1 - 2/(1 + exp(-lambda * u))))/u) + else lambda * 2/(1 + exp(-lambda * u))^2 * exp(-lambda * u) + } > > ## Table 2, p. 1064 > ## M estimation (coefficients and standard errors) > rlm_GE <- rlm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "General Electric", + psi = psi.kp, init = coef(rq_GE), maxit = 100, acc = 1e-10) > rlm_WH <- rlm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "Westinghouse", + psi = psi.kp, init = coef(rq_WH), maxit = 100, acc = 1e-10) > round(coeftest(rlm_GE, vcov = sandwich)[,1:2], digits = 3) Estimate Std. Error (Intercept) -0.119 0.072 value 0.252 0.028 capital 0.156 0.020 > round(coeftest(rlm_WH, vcov = sandwich)[,1:2], digits = 3) Estimate Std. Error (Intercept) 0.037 0.058 value 0.416 0.094 capital 0.135 0.041 > > ## Table 3, p. 1064 > ## (would require some more coding) >