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Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ## Greene (2008) > ## > ## data > ## availability: electronic > ## firms: General Motors, US Steel, General Electric, Chrysler > ## errors: none > ## > ## analysis > ## result: OLS point estimates reproducible (minor deviation for GM_value) > ## Standard errors differ (Greene has ML standard errors, minor dev. for GE_const) > ## SUR point estimates reproducible (minor deviation for GE_const) > ## Standard errors fully reproducible > ## ML point estimates reproducible (minor deviation for US_capital) > ## Standard errors fully reproducible > ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > ## preliminaries > source("start.R") Loading required package: kinship Loading required package: survival Loading required package: splines Loading required package: nlme Loading required package: lattice [1] "kinship is loaded" Loading required package: Formula Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: sandwich Loading required package: zoo Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: car Loading required package: lmtest > > ## data pre-processing > gr <- subset(Grunfeld, firm %in% c("General Motors", "US Steel", "General Electric", "Chrysler")) > gr$firm <- factor(gr$firm) > pgr <- plm.data(gr, c("firm", "year")) > > > ## SUR estimation (Example 16.8, pp. 534-536) > > ## Table 16.4 (p. 536) > ## OLS > sf_OLS <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, data = pgr, method = "OLS") > gsummary(sf_OLS, digits = 5) Method: OLS (Intercept) value capital R^2 sigma^2 Chrysler -6.18996 0.07795 0.31572 0.91358 176.3203 13.50648 0.01997 0.02881 General.Electric -9.95631 0.02655 0.15169 0.70531 777.4463 31.37425 0.01557 0.02570 General.Motors -149.78245 0.11928 0.37144 0.92135 8423.8751 105.84212 0.02583 0.03707 US.Steel -49.19832 0.17486 0.38964 0.47086 9299.6040 148.07537 0.07420 0.14237 > ## correlation matrix for the 4 OLS residual vectors is > summary(sf_OLS)$residCor Chrysler General.Electric General.Motors US.Steel Chrysler 1.00000000 -0.06792257 -0.2729521 0.3379535 General.Electric -0.06792257 1.00000000 0.2792929 0.4281071 General.Motors -0.27295213 0.27929288 1.0000000 -0.2614613 US.Steel 0.33795352 0.42810705 -0.2614613 1.0000000 > ## covariance matrix for OLS residual vectors is > summary(sf_OLS)$residCov * (17/20) Chrysler General.Electric General.Motors US.Steel Chrysler 149.87222 -21.37565 -282.7564 367.8402 General.Electric -21.37565 660.82939 607.5331 978.4503 General.Motors -282.75642 607.53314 7160.2939 -1967.0464 US.Steel 367.84024 978.45025 -1967.0464 7904.6634 > > ## alternatively > lm_GM <- lm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "General Motors") > lm_US <- lm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "US Steel") > lm_GE <- lm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "General Electric") > lm_CH <- lm(invest ~ value + capital, data = gr, subset = firm == "Chrysler") > > ## FGLS > sf_FGLS <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, data = pgr, method = "SUR", + control = systemfit.control(methodResidCov = "noDfCor")) > gsummary(sf_FGLS, digits = 5) Method: SUR (Intercept) value capital R^2 sigma^2 Chrysler 0.93655 0.06785 0.31465 0.91206 179.4081 11.59044 0.01705 0.02606 General.Electric -19.71195 0.03464 0.13685 0.69594 802.1461 26.58279 0.01279 0.02250 General.Motors -160.68640 0.12051 0.38002 0.92098 8463.7099 90.40985 0.02187 0.03311 US.Steel 21.16398 0.13037 0.44852 0.45621 9557.1076 116.17517 0.05737 0.12251 > > ## ML via iterated FGLS > sf_ML <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, data = pgr, method = "SUR", + control = systemfit.control(methodResidCov = "noDfCor", maxiter = 7, tol = 1e-10)) > gsummary(sf_ML, digits = 5) Method: SUR (Intercept) value capital R^2 sigma^2 Chrysler 2.58096 0.06564 0.31373 0.91126 181.0458 11.54392 0.01698 0.02617 General.Electric -24.09904 0.03808 0.13109 0.68683 826.1905 25.80157 0.01217 0.02223 General.Motors -179.40723 0.12481 0.38018 0.92053 8512.3018 86.66046 0.02086 0.03266 US.Steel 36.46299 0.12437 0.43675 0.45468 9584.0462 106.18099 0.05191 0.11711 > ## ML estimate of Sigma is > summary(sf_ML)$residCov Chrysler General.Electric General.Motors US.Steel Chrysler 153.888927 2.516339 -325.4111 427.0102 General.Electric 2.516339 702.261962 615.1667 1288.6454 General.Motors -325.411067 615.166673 7235.4566 -2455.1368 US.Steel 427.010242 1288.645379 -2455.1368 8146.4393 >