# R 3.0.1 # Ex4_R.txt ## Dynamic Dependency: US stock to other stock indices ## wrt returns or volatility rm(list=ls()) library("tseries") library("zoo") library("vars") # help(package="urca") # OK ret((FTSE, DJA/DJI)), ret(DAX, DJA) # NOT ret(FTSE, NDX/GSPC), ret(BSESN, DJA) ## read data start0 <- "1998-10-01" ; end0 <- "2010-07-30" # choose period require(quantmod) # Finanzdaten download spc <- new.env() dax <- new.env() setDefaults(getSymbols,src="yahoo") getSymbols("^GSPC", env = spc, from = as.Date(start0), to = as.Date(end0)) getSymbols("^GDAXI", env = dax, from = as.Date(start0), to = as.Date(end0)) # read in series are of xts type, plot is different for xts and ts x.c <-as.zoo( spc$GSPC[,4]); y.c <- as.zoo(dax$GDAXI[,4]); ### nx <- length(x.c); ny <- length(y.c); ## plot data xy.c <- merge(x.c, y.c) plot( xy.c, main = "^GSPC , ^GDAXI") # plot series plot(x.c, y.c, main = "^GSPC x ^GDAXI") # plot scatter plot(x.c, y.c, main = "^GSPC x ^GDAXI", type="l") # plot scatter # not used #x <- log(x.c) ; #y <- zoo( log(y.c), order.by= index(x.c)); # fewer trading days in x.c #xy <- cbind(x,y); x <- log(x.c) ; y <- log(y.c) # merging removes days with missing observations xy <- merge.zoo(x,y, all=FALSE) plot(xy, main = "log(^GSPC), log(^GDAXI)") # plot series plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], main = "^GSPC x ^GDAXI") # plot scatter plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], main = "^GSPC x ^GDAXI", type="l") # plot scatter ## omit period shortly after 9/11 #start0_1 = "1998-10-01"; end0_1 = "2001-09-10"; #start0_2 = "2001-10-01"; end0_2 = "2010-07-30"; ## choose your subperiod start0_1 = "1998-10-01"; end0_1 = "2001-09-10"; ## ci e.g.: 00-01, 09-10, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, start0_2 = "2005-10-01"; end0_2 = "2006-07-30"; i.x <- index(xy) i.x1 <- i.x[ as.Date(start0_1) <= i.x & i.x <= as.Date(end0_1) ] i.x2 <- i.x[ as.Date(start0_2) <= i.x & i.x <= as.Date(end0_2) ] x1 <- zoo(x[i.x1]) ## alternatively: ## x1 <- zoo(xts(window(x, start = start0_1, end = end0_1))) ## colnames(x1) <- colnames(x) y1 <- zoo(y[i.x1]) xy1 <- merge.zoo(x1,y1, all=FALSE) mainlab1 <- paste("log(^GSPC), log(^GDAXI):", start0_1,"to",end0_1) plot(xy1, main = mainlab1 ) # plot series plot(x1,y1, main = mainlab1 ) # plot scatter plot(x1,y1, main = mainlab1, type="l" ) # plot scatter x2 <- zoo(x[i.x2]) y2 <- zoo(y[i.x2]) xy2 <- merge.zoo(x2,y2, all=FALSE) mainlab2 <- paste("log(^GSPC), log(^GDAXI):", start0_2,"to",end0_2) plot(xy2, main = mainlab2 ) # plot series plot(x2,y2, main = mainlab2 ) # plot scatter plot(x2,y2, main = mainlab2, type="l" ) # plot scatter nxy1 <- length(xy1[,1]); nxy2 <- length(xy2[,1]); # no of observations ##Dickey-Fuller Unit root test: level and 1st difference # tau* test for H0: (1-rho) = 0 in various models # phi1 test for H0: const=0 & (1-rho) = 0 in model w const/drift # phi3 test for H0: no trend & (1-rho) = 0 in trend model ## type = "none" or "drift" or "trend" ## selectlags= "Fixed" or "AIC", ... ## relevant statistic: tau x.df <- ur.df(x, type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="Fixed") summary(x.df) y.df <- ur.df(y, type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="BIC") summary(y.df) dx.df <- ur.df(diff(x), type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="Fixed") summary(dx.df) dy.df <- ur.df(diff(y), type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="BIC") summary(dy.df) # 1 x1.df <- ur.df(x1, type="drift", lags=0, selectlags="Fixed") summary(x1.df) y1.df <- ur.df(y1, type="drift", lags=0, selectlags="Fixed") summary(y1.df) dx1.df <- ur.df(diff(x1), type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="BIC") summary(dx1.df) dy1.df <- ur.df(diff(y1), type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="BIC") summary(dy1.df) # 2 x2.df <- ur.df(x2, type="drift", lags=0, selectlags="BIC") summary(x2.df) y2.df <- ur.df(y2, type="drift", lags=0, selectlags="BIC") summary(y2.df) dx2.df <- ur.df(diff(x2), type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="BIC") summary(dx2.df) dy2.df <- ur.df(diff(y2), type="drift", lags=5, selectlags="BIC") summary(dy2.df) ##Cointegration - test # spec="transitory" is our specification: Delta x_t = ... Pi x_(t-1) ... # const in Delta x always included # help("ca.jo-class") reference: ci_test@Z0 ## type = c("eigen", "trace"), ... tests ## ecdet = c("none", "const", "trend") ... deterministic part in EC part ## (K-1) no of lags of Delta x included # r in output is our m xy.cit <- ca.jo(xy, ecdet = "none", type="eigen", K=4, spec="transitory" ) summary(xy.cit) xy1.cit <- ca.jo(xy1, ecdet = "none", type="eigen", K=2, spec="transitory" ) summary(xy1.cit) xy2.cit <- ca.jo(xy2, ecdet = "none", type="eigen", K=2, spec="transitory" ) summary(xy2.cit) plot(xy2.cit) plotres(xy2.cit) #### ## CI VAR xy2.civar <- cajorls(xy2.cit, r = 1) # r (in our notation m) ... chosen coint rank xy2.civar # details: xy.civar$beta summary(xy2.civar$rlm) # no t-values for beta, AIC #pix <- xy2.cit@ZK %*% t(xy.cit@PI) # Pi * x(t-1) #varlevel <- vec2var(xy2.cit, r=1) # coeff matrices of the lagged endogenous vars ## EXERCISE: # (1) Compare series and scatter plots for different periods. # (2) Test for unit roots for different periods. # (3) Test for cointegration for different periods. # (4) Estimate the CIVAR and comment the result. # (5) Write down at least one estimated CIVAR model in conventional notation. # # Do this analysis for 2 indices, and 3 indices of your choice. # For the latter you have to modify the R script.