Chapter 1, Exercise 1 Comment: Plot gspc. Plot log(gspc). Look at the Correlogram, perform DF-test. Plot daily return r = dlog(gspc) = log(gspc)- log(gspc(-1)). Look at Correlogram, Histogram (kurtosis). Plot r^2. Look at Correlogram. Estimate an AR(5) for r (choose order via AIC). Look at the Correlogram, Histogram of the residuals. Look at the Correlogram of squared/moduls residuals. Estimate AR(5)-GARCH(1,1). Look at Correlogram, histogram of standardized residuals (\xi_t on slide 14). Compare with GARCH(1,1). Estimate AR(5)-GARCH-M, AR(5)-t-GARCH(1,1), AR(5)-asym GARCH, AR(5)-EGARCH. Document in your handed in assignment 3 issues which you think are interesting.